The two main flying animals used as transportation are pterosaurs and megaras. Pterosaurs are reptiles with organs adapted to flight, such as their membranous wings and long tails, which they use as a rudder. The pterosaurs measure three to six meters long, not including their tails, and their wingspan is about twice that of their bodies. From the moment they are born, pterosaurs begin training to carry a person sitting in a saddle buckled between the animal’s shoulder blades. Pterosaurs must be at least three years old and fully trained before they can actually carry a person while flying, which makes them precious, coveted, and very expensive to keep. Only extremely wealthy people can afford these lizards, but no matter how wealthy a family is, they may only legally own a single pterosaur. The law forbids owning more than one of these animals in order to avoid dangerously crowding the limited air space. The second flying animal is the megaras, which is unlike the pterosaur in that it is a mammal. Scientists believe the Crystal has genetically mutated the megaras, since they travel extensively in the air above the dome and have grown substantially larger in a few short generations. These creatures are not as docile as the pterosaurs, but they are stronger and more efficient, making them perfect to carry heavy but not too delicate loads, such as food and building materials. As with the pterosaurs, each mercantile society is allowed to own only one megaras. Both pterosaurs and megaras are used in spectacles and battles in the Pterosaur Arena near Hydlaa. Watching the spectacles is a relatively cheap way to spend some free time, and a popular attraction with visitors to Hydlaa.